Why Genuine-Christian Evangelicals Should Not Support Mitt Romney
Homogay-Inclusive 2008 Loser John McCain Has Endorsed Homogay-Inclusive Mitt
Romney States That the Homogay Issue Needs To Be Set Aside

Gov Rick Perry (TX) Endorsed Newt Gingrich (NOT Mitt Romney)
for 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate

Rightly has it been said that
dogs cannot marry - even though they are humans.
No matter how one cuts it, HOMOGAYS commit sodomy
(i.e. unnatural erotic connections)
whether in Massachusetts, California, or wherever....though self-declaring themselves "married."
Such illegally-licensed PAIRINGS (not "marriages" in ANY sense of the
are relationships ALWAYS and ONLY consisting of committed lust
and NEVER "love".
Accordingly, such vermin (along with their media, supporters, and
mindless belligerant tolerators)
- reeking with subtle [or blatant]
arrogant and rebellious defiance against any traces of literal and
authentic Scriptural holiness, purity, and sensible morality -
are dangerously, terroristically, and destructively despicable,
obnoxious, obscene, abhorrant, disgusting, perverts guilty
of ILLEGAL sodomy
-- violating State Constitutions and
Federal Statutes --
and therefore in NO way EVER deserving official recognition nor
monetary benefits from ANY governmental or civilian entity!
Massachusetts and California state government - in peculiarity -
has broken the unity of the States of America which Abraham Lincoln
wanted united. Such former unity of GENUINE inalienable rights
endowed by our Creator must be restored, not merely by the
judiciary of the Appeals Court and U.S. Supreme Court, but all
officials of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches of
this Government of the people, by the people, and for the people
.....rather than a few BASTARD subversives and especially subversivasses
undermining every social-structure facet of the economic, educational,
occupational, and religious historical, present, and future wellbeing of
this nation.
[ devoid of illogical philosophically-weaselworded twisted-semantics
doctrines-of-demons irrationalizations ]:
ROMANS 1:26-27
In Genesis, God required Abraham, his contemporaries, and
those after
to undergo penis-snipping circumcision.
Did and does that mean that former patriarchs Adam, Enoch, and Noah
neither had to have nor did have their penies snipped?
Contemplated homo lust
Heard them say it was a must
Cannot tell if I should trust
Looks to me like pure disgust
Saw this dude, we'll call him Duke
Kissing mouth would make me puke
Where on earth to stick my prick?
Screwing him would be some trick!
Entrance into frontal crotch
Would result in one big botch
Not a hole in sight down there
Nix but stiffened cock all bare
Looking on the other side
Merely anus - had I tried
Fecal contact no delight
That would be a real fright
As I thought how he would taste
Sucking on his noxious waste
Made me vomit in the pot
Do fellatio? I think NOT!
Lick his gooey smelly sperm?
Ingest syph or lethal germ?
Probe with rigid turgid tool
Into his venereal stool?
Give me breasted woman, please!
Having titties I can squeeze!
Penis in where it should rest:
Cozy nest is Nature's best!
Homogays are the ultimate expression of hatred against women.
Ecclesiastical Homopervert Devil (not worthy of
"apostolic succession") Vicky Gene Robinson:
Human Rites?
Pro-Marriage Posters